How to include The Watchman beers on your website


On your Guest Ales profile you can enter your Twitter account details and we will tweet your new beers automatically.

RSS Feeds

You can include The Watchman beers on your own website really easily using our RSS feeds (RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0). You can easily style the list with your own style sheet (minimal css here).

You can use any web based rss/atom reader, these very basic examples use jQuery and a tweeked FeedEk using package rss-parser. This enables you to include our tasting notes.

RSS Feed Example

The script belows shows the last 10 (of max 30) entries.


      FeedUrl : '',
      ShowDesc : true, ShowPubDate:true,
      DescCharacterLimit:0, TitleLinkTarget:'_blank',
      DateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY', DateFormatLang:'en'

Result (current beers)

RSS Feed Ticker Example

This example uses a ticker instead of a list, here shows the last 10 (of max 30) entries. From a viewer's perspective, displaying entries in a carousel, iframe or ticker really sucks and should be avoided (here just to show it works). This version will pause with the mouse so you can easily read and copy the tasting notes. For better SEO ranking, list them one by one as in the example above.


    $('#feedTicker').FeedEk({FeedUrl : '',
      ShowDesc : true, ShowPubDate:true, DescCharacterLimit:0,
      TitleLinkTarget:'_blank', DateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY', DateFormatLang:'en'
      }, function(e) {
        var ticker = $(e);
        // Stop/start 
        $(window).blur(function() {
          ticker.vTicker('pause', true);
          }).focus(function() {
            ticker.vTicker('pause', false);
        // Initialise ticker
        ticker.vTicker('init', {
          showItems: 1, pause: 3000, margin: 5, padding: 5



RSS Feed Archive Example

You can also include your previous entries, here shows the last 10 (of max 30) entries.


      FeedUrl : '',
      ShowDesc : true, ShowPubDate:true,
      DescCharacterLimit:0, TitleLinkTarget:'_blank',
      DateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY', DateFormatLang:'en'

Result (previous beers)
