Directory Entry
Bristol Beer Factory Raspberry Valhalla - 4.7%

Kolsch meets raspberries, combines the smooth, crisp lager of a German Kolsch with 300kg of raspberries. German Kolsch yeast, Spalt and Tettnang Euro hops and German and British malts that contribute flavours of malty sweetness, honey, biscuit and bread as giving its bright pale colour, great body and head retention.

Added by : gregh (2114) 0

Details : Raspberry Valhalla
Bristol Beer Factory Raspberry Valhalla
Website : Bristol Beer Factory Brewery
Category : Real Ale
Style : Lager      
ABV : 4.7%  (2.67 Units)
Added by : gregh (2114) 0
Stats : Hits : 302
Created : Tuesday October 29, 2019
Raspberry Valhalla

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